2016-11-23 - Fast Lap

^z 23rd March 2023 at 7:44am

~8.4 miles @ ~11.6 min/mi

"I'm racing my nose!" Cait declares between sniffles, as she and Kerry trek along Ridge Road. A wrong turn leads to a dead end reward of sunrise glimpses through the trees. A lady walking her giant poodle directs us to the correct corner. Icicles form on the beard. We divert to explore a new cut-through, Dogwood Drive, past attractive architecture.

"You need to be my coach!" I tell Cait at the 200 meter point of a Lane 1 sprint around Langley High School's track. She runs like a greyhound and finishes the lap in 1:31, a second ahead of me. Kerry, big smile as always, cruises in comfortably just behind. "Wow - we need to do more intervals!" — an early resolution for 2017. Trail talk includes family Thanksgiving plans, movie recommendations, political analysis, and wedding preparations. "Send photos of the dresses — I'll crank up the estrogen!".

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-12-20